Women’s Day Retreat 24

We are SO excited to host our Second Annual Women’s Day Retreat on Saturday, September 7th // 10 AM – 3 PM with Check-In and Social Hour starting at 8:30 AM! Ladies (of age 16+) are welcome to join us for this day filled with fellowship, laughter, food, worship, Biblical lessons, and community building. Breakfast, Lunch, and T-shirt are included in the cost of registration! Early bird registration of $30 is NOW OPEN through August 17th at PowellChurch.com and through the Church Center app! Childcare is provided for those who register, with a cost of $5 per child. Ladies, you don’t want to miss this! Contact Teanna@PowellChurch.com for further questions or register HERE NOW!!!

**Pre-registration  AND payment REQUIRED for childcare services**
We are asking for $5.00 per child that will be attending with you to help cover the costs for childcare and pizza.

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