Back 2 School Bash

We’re welcoming the new school year with a huge celebration! On Sunday, Aug 4 we’ll hold one worship service at 11:00 AM (there will be no 9:30 AM service on Aug 4). It’ll be a Family Sunday, with our kids and youth in the worship center as we pray for our teachers and students. You’ll get to hear about the great things they’ve been up to this summer, and we’ll be promoting new kindergarten students into the Bubble and new sixth graders into our youth group!

Then after worship, join us rain or shine for games, food and fun! We’ll have lunch on the grill provided by our men’s group, plus other fun eats and treats. Our kids and youth ministry will provide all kinds of games for all ages to enjoy. And if you get too hot, we’ll even have a fire truck on site to keep everyone cooled off!

Tables and seating area will be provided, but feel free to bring your own lawn chairs. All of this is absolutely free – just bring yourself and your family and celebrate with us!

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