Holiday Meal Ministry

Thank you, Powell Church…
for such a successful Thanksgiving Food Basket Ministry last month. Many of you also signed up to do Christmas food baskets as well. Again, thank you so much! 

We still have seven large families who need to be sponsored for Christmas meals, and we are doing Christmas gifts for the children of those families. We also have nine other families with children that received a Thanksgiving basket, and we have committed to also providing their children with Christmas gifts. On Sunday, December 12, please stop by the Christmas table in the gathering area or just click HERE to provide a Christmas meal for one these 7 families, and to choose some of the children to provide them with Christmas gifts during this season. And if you would like to help distribute these baskets and gifts on Sunday, December 19 from 1:30 to 4:00 PM at the church, we would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you in advance for your faithfulness!

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