Happy Friday, Powell Church family and friends! I hope this beautiful Friday gets your weekend off to a wonderful start. Here is a little bit of Friday love with you…
Read MoreFriday Love with Pastor Brad
Sending you into your weekend with some love
Friday Love
Hey there friends! It has been a while since I have written a “Friday Love” article. In fact, it has been too long. The year 2020 has been a challenging…
Read MoreFriday Love remembers G.W. Boles
“It’s all about Jesus!” How many times did we hear G.W. Boles say those words? I think the answer is, “countless.” With G.W.’s passing from this earth into God’s eternal…
Read MoreSpecial Message with Pastor Brad
Hey there, Powell Church Family & Friends! Here is some Friday love for you! You have often heard me say that love is not simply a warm and fuzzy…
Read MoreFriday Love
Back when I was a youth minister 15 years ago, it was our church’s tradition to take a youth missions trip every summer. Sometimes we served right here in Tennessee,…
Read MoreGood Friday Love
Friday Devotions Good morning Powell Church family and friends! This Friday love article is coming to you early today. Why? Because I want to invite you into this day which we…
Read MoreFriday Love with Pastor Brad
Hey there Powell Church family and friends! I am writing this article (or more accurately, speaking this article) as I take a beautiful Friday walk around the neighborhood. Even though…
Read MoreFriday Love with Pastor Brad
In recent years, I have worked with an ecumenical ministry called World Vision. I still get their emails, and periodically I take time to read them. A couple years ago, I…
Read MoreFriday Love with Pastor Brad
Happy Friday to you all, and a very Happy Valentines Day as well! Here is a little bit of Friday love to get your day and weekend off to a…
Read MoreFriday Love with Pastor Brad
In her book, Stories from the Heart, Alice Gray retells a story written by Ann Weems entitled, “Heirloom.” I want to share that story with you today. It had been…
Read MoreFriday Love with Pastor Brad
As a child, I remember reading a book called “The Giving Tree” written by Shel Silverstein. As I became a dad, I in turn read this book to my children. It hasn’t…
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