Young Adult Ministry

NEW Young Adult Ministry Opportunities
As the vision for our new Young Adult Ministry comes to fruition, we are excited to add routine gatherings to the calendar! We have a new bi-weekly Bible study on Wednesday nights during Lent and we are adding an evening worship experience on the second Friday every month complete with campfire style music, Biblical teaching and discussion, dinner, and after party activities. This coming Friday, March 14th at 6:30 PM in the Worship Center is our first worship gathering and we can’t wait to see how God uses this time to grow us in our faith and in relationship with one another!

If you or someone you know falls in this 18-29 year old, young adult group PLEASE invite them to be a part of this new ministry OR if young adult ministry is a passion of yours, prayerfully consider being a ministry partner with us in this new endeavor!

Fill out the form HERE or contact for more details!

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