On November 24, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of our worship center, and launched the Anniversary Campaign: a dollar-for-dollar matching gift to go toward our building debt and budget reserves. And last Sunday we announced the incredible update: in just six weeks, our $100,000 dollar-for-dollar match has been fully funded!!!
This makes for a grand total of $200,000, of which $150,000 goes toward our building debt and $50,000 to our budget reserves. We’re blown away by your generosity and faithfulness, which we know comes in the Spirit of the God who is faithful to us.
So, what’s left? The remaining balance on our building debt is now approximately $150,000. Our new goal: pay off the building by Easter 2026! Our dream is to retire the debt on our 20-year old worship center, which will free up our budget to do even more ministry and missions.
If you’d like to go above and beyond your regular giving to help us cross to the finish line, 100% of everything given to the Powell Church building fund and/or anniversary campaign between now and Easter 2026 will go to eliminate our remaining debt. You can always set up your giving online at powellchurch.com, or contact the church office if you have any questions.
We’re grateful for every dollar and every story that’s been told in our worship center for more than 20 years. It’s an honor to be able to share in these last few steps together. Thanks be to God, the giver of good gifts.
Let’s finish this!