You don’t have to wait to follow Jesus. Faith isn’t something for the professionals or the experts. It’s not something for idealized versions of you after you’ve quit your job or lost ten pounds. You don’t have to have it all figured out. And you’re still going to need plenty of grace…which is exactly what we get.
Jesus, from the very beginning, is about one simple invitation: “Follow me.” Today.
Jesus invited all kinds of people to be his disciples, then sent them out into the world to speak the same words of grace and truth in all kinds of different languages: fishermen, tax collectors, zealots, older brothers, younger brothers, people from insignificant places, people who judged people from insignificant places, you and me. God works through different vocations, different seasons of life, and all kinds of stories. Including yours. Today.
For all of them and all of us, it’s the same invitation: follow me.
Join us for a new series on The Disciples: The Same Words in Different Languages. Because the more we believe Jesus invites all kinds of people to follow him, the more we’ll believe that he might just invite me too.