What difference does resurrection make in our deepest relationships? Join us for Resurrection & Relationships: A Series on Human Sexuality & The Grace of God starting Sunday, August 20. In polarizing and political times, how can a diverse group of people seek to find and follow Jesus together? And how does the grace we find in Christ move in and through our love, intimacy, and sexuality?
Join us for this series as we walk together through:
August 20: Intro – How do we ask good questions?
August 27: What is the purpose of sex?
September 3: Husbands, Wives, and Submission
September 10: Sin, Shame, and Shalom
September 17: Interpretations of Biblical Passages on Homosexuality
September 24: What do we say yes to?
This series is also a great opportunity to remind you of our children’s and youth ministries, which meet every Sunday morning in The Bubble during both services. While we don’t plan on doing anything PG-13 in the worship center, this series may not be the best for our youngest ears.
We’re grateful for our “come as you are” church where We is greater than Me, and believe such a church is a great place to talk about meaningful things. We value your feedback! If you have any questions before, during, or after this series, reach out at will@powellchurch.com. And we value your prayers as we walk through one of the most meaningful gifts God has given us in this series. See you Sunday!