NEW Sunday Series

We’re excited to share our new series Love Languages, starting Sunday, April 16. At the start of the new year, we asked how we could pray for you in 2023. Over 200 prayer requests were left at our altar that Sunday, and so many of them revolved around our most important relationships: our marriages, children, parents, and closest friends. Join us as we walk through the five love languages in this series, made popular by Dr. Gary Chapman. We’ll follow Jesus through John 8-13 to see how Christ embodies and encourages us to love through Time, Touch, Words, Gifts, and Service.

Want a head start on the series? Learn or rediscover your love language here. And for couples, you can download the free Love Nudge app on your phone and share your language with your partner. We look forward to deepening our most important relationships together this spring, in the language God created us to speak.

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