Friday Love remembers G.W. Boles

“It’s all about Jesus!”  How many times did we hear G.W. Boles say those words?  I think the answer is, “countless.” With G.W.’s passing from this earth into God’s eternal kingdom this past week, we will not hear his audible voice speak these words to us again. However, we know his voice has and will continue to influence our lives and our relationships with Jesus. In times of loss and grief, I find it important to tell stories. I think we need to share how our lives have been impacted by people like G.W. Boles. So, for this week’s Friday Love, I would like for us to share some of those stories about G.W……the many ways he has inspired us, influenced us,  and pointed us to Jesus and His love. Below, there is a link to a video where Jamie Bauknight and I briefly share a couple of stories and thoughts about G.W. and what he meant to us. After watching the video, we want to encourage you to tell your story. There will be some instructions in the video on how you may want to do this (for help, please reach out to  Let’s praise Jesus as we honor G.W. Boles by telling our stories of how his faithfulness to Jesus has touched our lives and has shown us the love of Jesus, the self-giving, sacrificial, endless love of Jesus!

With Love, 

Pastor Brad

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