How To P.R.A.Y.
Pastor Brad and Jamie Bauknight will be doing a church-wide sermon series for the month of August called, “How to Pray”. On Sundays, we will look at some of the basics about when, where, and what Jesus prayed, without over- complicating this thing Jesus taught his followers to do. On Thursday nights, we will also include some of the Recovery principles and how they apply to living a life of prayer on a daily basis. There will also be a weekly small group component to the study. Below are the resources that will be used in the small group study.
If you are interested in being a part of the study, please click the “interested” button below.
We ask the group members watch corresponding weekly video before each group meeting
Week 1 – Video 1, 2
Week 2 – Video 3, 4
Week 3 – Video 5
Week 4 – Video 6, 7
Week 5 – Video 8
You can access the video(s) that coincided with each week by clicking HERE
For those that would like a deeper look into the study can purchase the book from which the study is taken by clicking HERE. Though this is NOT required