Powell E-newsletter

Ministries & Updates:

In the midst of social distancing and the “safer at home” order issued by the Knox County Health Department, Powell Church still engages in various ministries as we seek to follow Jesus. One essential ministry that continues every day (Monday though Friday from 9-10) and will be open this coming Saturday (from 9-12) is our Food Pantry, providing groceries for people in need. Pleas be praying for this ministry, it’s leaders, those who serve, and the persons who receive these needed items. Secondly, we are in the process of mobilizing our small group ministries to continue meeting regularly utilizing a variety of different platforms in order to connect with one another while maintaining social distancing from one another. We are committed to growing in our walk with Jesus in this time. Also, we will be checking in with you by phone over the next couple of weeks; so don’t be surprised to get a call sometime soon. And finally, we will see you online every week for worship on Thursday nights at 6:30pm and Sunday mornings at 9:30am; be prepared for a “box of chocolates” approach (if you know what we mean) when we gather online in the worship of our God through the power of the Holy Spirit. May Jesus be glorified! For more info and resources, please click HERE.

Ways to Offer Financial Gifts:

Even though we are no longer meeting in person, there are still ways to offer to God your financial gifts. We desire to still connect with you and be in ministry with our community in essential and new ways. Visit Powell Church, and click on “GIVE” in our main menu. Or, from the Church Center App (download from your App Store for free), click on the “GIVE” tab at the bottom of the screen and it will help you go through the initial setup for you to give through the app. And of course, you can mail checks to the church as a way of offering your financial gifts as well (323 W. Emory Rd. Powell, TN 37849). May we continue to glorify God, follow Jesus, and meet the needs of people as we offer to God our financial gifts. 


Prayer Vigil:

We are in Day 8 of a church and community-wide 24/7 prayer vigil. You, you and your spouse, you and your family, you and your friends can sign up for 15 minute slots to be praying over our current situation, the people affected by COVID-19, doctors, nurses, first responders, local and national government leaders, and the people most vulnerable to this virus. Sign up HERE, and may we pray for one another, our community, our nation, and the world.

With love, 
Pastor Brad

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